Life Topics

My Ideal Day

IMG_1102Sailing in the sun my life seems so
insignificant next to the grandness
of the sky, and the dancing diamonds
on the water.

I swim to relieve my bones, as well
as my temperature. The bouquet of
life bursts with the company of
friends, as we hook boats together to
share stories, to share cheese.

Floating with my ears under water
allows me to listen to my breath.
I love the basic sound of life.
Voices muffled above seem
far away, but the boat is
within reach.

Climbing out of the lake on the
boat ladder is sweet,
as drops of worry pour off of me.
I dry off to the sound of laughter.
I smile at my lover and kiss my dog.

I sip wine to help fulfill my ideal day,
hoping to dry off before the heat catches
up with me, and I have to jump in again.
I do jump in again, and again.

Where am I where life seems so perfect,
so serene?  I am on the lake, on the
surface where the boat rocks and lulls
me into incredible gratitude for all
that is tangible and intangible.

The sun will set soon, and it will all begin
again tomorrow.  I will be there tomorrow.
Sipping wine, floating on my back, diving
in the water, and hooking up with friends.
My ideal day.

Author: Jo Toale

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