Life Topics

Join Dilettante Life

Dilettante Life  is now a writer’s community. A space where contributors can add their stories and share with others. Please join our blog and have fun being part of a group of passionate writers.

To join, fill out the registration form. You will receive an email with a link back to the site. But, oops, it may not bring you back to the right page. That is a glitch we’re working out. However, you are still registered after you click on that email link. So, go to the My Account link at the top of the page, and enter your username and password. Now you’re ready to start writing.

When your profile comes up, click on Dashboard tab, and you will see at the top left of the screen (in black) a “+ New” sign. If you click on it, you will go to the posting screen. Happy writing.  You will also see a Profile and Log Out tab. There you can add/change your profile picture,

All story entries will be reviewed and approved by the administrator, so after you finish your story, click on the Send for Review button. It’s that easy.

We look forward to building a fantastic site with lots of interesting stories to share.

Thank you for being a Dilettante.


Author: Jo Toale

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